We’ll Donate To Your Church When You Choose Aero Energy For Propane, Heating Oil or HVAC Services!
We invite you to download an information sheet below to take to your church. Small donations from a committed congregation can make astounding impact on the lives of those around them. Aero Energy will donate $0.04/Gallon of propane and heating oil used annually to your church. In addition to the donation for fuel we also now offer a HVAC/plumbing component to our program. Customers enrolled in our House of Worship program will receive a 10% (up to $250 /year) donation to their church for heating and cooling/plumbing system sales and service.
Following the 2023-2024 heating season, Aero Energy was able to donate over $35,000 to churches, and with your help we can top that number this year! If your church is able to round up 20 participating members, they could receive on average a donation of $600 a year. Call 717-624-6721 for more information.
Common Questions
Terms and Conditions: Enrollment is limited to residential customers only. Participants in the House of Worship program may only benefit from the service component if they reside within the Aero Energy service territory. Monthly service contract fees are not eligible for donation value. For those customers already enrolled in the Adams Electric Cooperative Reimbursement program, or the Choptank Electric Cooperative Reimbursement program, they will receive a 10% reimbursement on HVAC and plumbing install and service work directly (up to $250/year). Those who choose to do so can donate those funds directly back to their respective churches. Additional terms and conditions may apply.