Aero Energy’s New Tank Monitors
Aero Energy has made a large commitment to our new state of the art Aero Tank Monitors! We have been busy installing the monitors to our existing customer’s propane tanks, and going forward we will install a monitor on each and every new automatic delivery propane customer. The implementation of this free program spurs from our propane delivery philosophy – At Aero Energy, we believe that your fuel partner should provide peace of mind, reliability and attention to detail. With these new monitors we are bringing home heating into the 21st century.
One of the risks of propane is that there is potential for your tank to run dry. Today however, Aero Energy is amongst industry leaders reducing the risk of run out with the installation of our Aero Tank Monitors. From the convenience of a smart phone, homeowners now have access to real-time readings, month-by-month comparison of fuel usage and customizable notifications. Further, tanks can be monitored by up to five different users. In this day and age, it is entirely possible to live without having to fear running out of fuel. Additionally, Aero Energy is amongst the few companies that offer payment options on both a delivery basis as well as a monthly budget basis. With the understanding that propane deliveries will be larger and more efficient with these monitors, we can provide a financial flexibility that simply cannot be found when relying upon other companies.
As if this couldn’t get any better, monitor installation is completely free. As long as you are an Aero Energy propane customer, relying upon primary heat and enrolled in automatic delivery, you are eligible to have an Aero Tank Monitor installed on your tank. Even though we’re putting this technology in the hands of our customers, Aero Energy prides itself in being a trusted partner for homeowners to rely upon. That’s why customers can rest assured knowing that Aero Energy is also monitoring propane tank levels. If your tank gets below 20% we will automatically schedule your next delivery.
Are you considering installing a propane tank at your home? If so, we hope you call 1-800-998-4311 to talk to one of our experts. Learn more about our Aero Tank Monitors here.
Terms and conditions: To be eligible for a free Aero Tank Monitor you must be a primary heat propane customer, enrolled in automatic delivery, with a tank capacity of at least 200 gallons. The monitor is the property of Aero Energy. If at any time you choose to terminate your automatic delivery agreement with Aero Energy, we will remove the tank monitor. Additional terms and conditions may apply.