Top Three Ways to Save on Heating Oil Costs This Year:
We understand just how important home heating is and recognize that saving money is a priority for all homeowners this time of year. While there is no way to completely avoid your home heating costs this fall and winter, there are several strategies you can put in place for greater savings. Here are three of our top ways to save on heating oil costs this year:
Fixed Pricing with Automatic Delivery
Our first recommendation for any customer looking to save is to enroll in automatic delivery with a fixed rate.

Simply put, when you lock in a rate for the heating season, that will be the price you pay through May – even if pricing continues to rise after your contract begins. We’ve seen heating oil costs increase significantly over the last few months with no signs of wavering. It is impossible to predict exactly where the global fuel market is heading over the coming months, but if historical trends tell us anything it is that when the temperatures drop the demand will increase. Fixed pricing with Aero Energy serves as protection from paying market rate during the peak heating season. Interested in learning more? Call today to speak with one of our customer care specialists and your wallet will quite likely thank you later.
Have an Annual Furnace Tune-Up
Do you know when your furnace last had a tune-up? This recommendation can often be overlooked by homeowners as we tend to forget about our furnace when it’s working correctly. You can actually expect to burn less fuel when your furnace is clean and operating at peak performance. In contrast, if it’s been a few years since your last tune-up, it is unlikely that your furnace is burning fuel as efficiently as it once was. You may be consuming greater quantities of fuel to maintain a comfortable interior temperature as a result. Our 5-Star service technicians would be happy to schedule a tune-up with you to ensure your prepared for the colder weather ahead.
We love our customers which is why we take your recommendations very seriously! When you refer-a-friend to Aero Energy, we’ll not only give you a $50 fuel credit, but we’ll also give your referral a $50 fuel credit as well. How does it work? Get started by visiting our refer-a-friend program webpage. Next, you’ll enter the information on your referral into the form and hit submit. Once they become a primary heat automatic delivery customer we’ll go ahead and apply your account credit.
We hope that you are able to benefit from these useful tips over the coming months. Please give us a call to speak to one of our home fueling experts if you have any questions we can answer for you. At Aero Energy we have been serving our local PA, MD and DE communities for over 90 years. We look forward to working with you this coming heating season.